ISI Master Theses

Spring 2024

Nando Waser: Modeling 2D-NMR-Signals using Factor Graphs, ma202401

Fall 2023

Itamar Aharoni: Low Rate Feedback Communication, ma202310
Luca Iten: On Composite NUV Priors and Hierarchical Models, ma202311

Spring 2023

Mengyuan Zhao: NUV-based Direction of Arrival (DoA) Estimation, ma202301
Xiaoyong Ni: Multi-Context State Estimation, ma202302
Stefan Schucker: Spatial Audio Rendering of Underwater Sound Using Ambisonics, ma202303
Jiayi Wu: Beam Tracking in mmWave Communication Scenario, ma202304
Thomas Dubach: Towards Optimal Circuit Knitting, ma202305
Hugo Umbers: Offset Detection in GNSS Time Series Data, ma202306
Alessio Lukaj: A New Approach to Decoding Reed Muller Codes with Composite NUV Priors, ma202307
Arsim Dzambazoski: Detecting Decaying Sinusoids for NMR Spectra, ma202308
Andreas Kreuzmann: Automated Audio Mixing, ma202309

Fall 2022

Aron Szakacs: Application of Multitone Signalling to Wireline Systems, ma202207
Timur Locher: Hierarchical Filtering With Online Learned Priors For ECG Denoising, ma202208
Gaspard Ulysse Fragnière: Generative Adversarial Networks for the Generation of Microphone Array Data, ma202209

Spring 2022

Mohamed Ibrahim: Airflow and Pressure Analysis and Leak Detection of Pneumatic Systems, ma202201
Benjamin Wolff: Sequential Sampling for Anomaly Detection, ma202202
Ke Zhang: Kalman Smoothing of Non-time-invariant Signals with Partial Information-Combining with Local Model Fit, ma202203
Damiano Steger: Tracking of a Dynamical System from Visual Observations, ma202204
Marco Tosic: Exploring NUV Priors, ma202205
Haoran Deng: KALMANBOT: KalmanNet and Bollinger Bands based Learned Trader for Pairs Trading, ma202206

Fall 2021

Julian Merkofer: Evaluations and Improvements of the Augmented MUSIC Algorithm, ma9302

Spring 2021

Aurel Schmid: Automatic Image Annotation of Historical Photographs, ma9301

Spring 2020

Gustavo Cid Ornelas: Robust Time Delay Estimation via Onset Detection Filter Bank, ma9201
Gian-Marco Hutter: Timbre Transfer on Singing Voices, ma9202
Yiming Yan: Helpers Increase the Error-Free Capacities with Erasures and Lists, ma9203

Fall 2019

Nina Stumpf: Model-based and Bandpass Filtering Approaches for Water Leak Detection, ma9102

Spring 2019

Gian Marti: Channels with a Helper, ma9101

Fall 2018

Ólafur Thoroddsen: Multi-Path Analog-to-Digital Conversion, ma9002

Spring 2018

Jan-Philipp Schulze: Anomaly Detection in Timeout Processes of Vehicles, ma9001

Fall 2017

Armin Stierli: Factor Graph Duality for a Convex Optimization Perspective on Linear Estimation, ma8901
Thilo Weber: Saccade and Smooth Pursuit Detection by Model-based Signal Separation, ma8902
Linus Rüttimann: Tomographic Artifacts: Analysis, Simulation and Correction, ma8903

Spring 2017

Robert Graczyk: Guessing with a Helper, ma8904

Fall 2016

Elizabeth Ren: Multi-channel Information Processing for Fire Detection and Classification, ma8806
Dario Walser: Non-invasive Intracranial Pressure Estimation, ma8807

Spring 2016

Michael Purghart: Analog-to-Digital Conversion with Cascade Structure and Additional Extensibility to Bandpass Sampling, ma8801
Vijay Sahdeva: Numerically Stable and Efficient Variations of Message Passing in Linear Gaussian State Space Models, ma8802
Raphael Keusch: Blind Signal Separation by Automatic State Space Model Selection and Learning, ma8803
Timon Samuel Künzle: A State-Space Approach to Multi-Channel Source Locatization, ma8804
Michail Mylonakis: Capacity Bounds for the MIMO Free-space Optical Intensity Channel, ma8805

Fall 2015

Clément Luneau: Tomographic Reconstruction by Scalar Gaussian Message Passing, ma8704
Tibor Keresztfalvi: An Achievable Rate Region for the Multiple-Access Channel with Feedback and a Guessing Decoder, ma8705

Spring 2015

Désirée Clausen: Source Loc­al­iz­a­tion of Car­diac De­pol­ar­iz­a­tion from Multi-Channel Eso­pha­geal ECG Re­cord­ings, ma8701
Andreas Büchel: Gesture Recognition using Accelerometer and Gyroscope Measurements, ma8702
Patrick Murer: Implementation of a Staircase Code for Optical Communication, ma8703

Spring 2014

Christian Käslin: Gesture Recognition on Smartphone with Likelihood Filtering, ma8601
Erik Ham­pus Malmberg: Sparse Bayesian Learn­ing for Blind De­con­vo­lu­tion, ma8602
Salomon Diether: Blind Reverberation Time Estimation From Speech, ma8603

Spring 2013

Ismail Celebi: Adaptive Filtering with MIMO Crosstalk Cancellation (Applied to 3-D Force Sensor Signals), ma8501

Spring 2012

Dinu Kaufmann: Model-based Fire Detection with Gas Sensors, ma8401
Annina Bracher: Cribbing, Conferencing, Feedback, and State-Information on the Multiple-Access Channel, ma8402
David Sutter: Achieving the Capacity of any DMC using only Polar Codes & Fault-Tolerant Quantum Reed-Muller Coding, ma8403
Filipe Barata: Adaptive Filtering with Applications to Force Sensor Signals, ma8404
Thomas Laich: The Kaspi/Heegard-Berger Problem with an Informed Encoder, ma8405
Nour Zalmaï: Likelihood Filtering for Pulse Detection and Pulse Learning, ma8406

Fall 2011

Sarah Neff: Robust Feature Extraction from Vibration Signals, ma8305
Si­mon Würgler: Learn­ing and De­te­tion of Sparse Pulses with Ap­plic­a­tion to Acous­tic Dia­gnosis, ma8306

Spring 2011

Christoph Bunte: Computing the Capacity of Discrete Rewritable Memories, ma8301
Petrit Bunjaku: Splitting Large State-Space Models, ma8302
Matthias Flückiger: Interaction in Loudspeaker Arrays with Shared Enclosures (Modeling and Estimation), ma8303
Samuel Gähwiler: Pattern Recognition with Hierarchical Likelihood Filters, ma8304

Fall 2010

Boming Jin: Model-based Fire Detection with SGFET Gas Sensors, ma8205
Daniel Baumann: Correction of Clock Jitter Using Factor Graphs, ma8206
Andreas Malär: Source Coding with Reconstruction Constraints, ma8207
Adrian Waeber: Pulse Detection Using Factor Graphs with Application to Assessment of Micropollutant Loads in Wastewater, ma8208
David Sele: Drilling Tools Defect Detection and Classification from Vibration Signals, ma8209

Spring 2010

Matthias Brückner: Diagnosis of Defects in Loudspeakers, ma8201
Raphaël Jecker: Automatic Digital Model Creation of Analog Audio Units, ma8202
Juan Pablo Marín Díaz: Signal Modeling With Likelihood Computations and Popper Complexity, ma8203
Shahab Asoodeh: Feedback Coding Strategies for Channel Capacity Per Unit Cost, ma8204

Spring 2009

Adrian Bärlocher: Signal Class Filter with 2nd-Order Gaussian Models, ma8101
Chris­tian Schürch: The Multiple-Access Chan­nel with Feed­back and a Com­mon Mes­sage, ma8102
Gio­vanni Sabato: Simulation-Based Tech­niques to Study Two-Dimensional ISI Chan­nels and Con­strained Sys­tems, ma8103

Fall 2008

Marcel Favini: Acoustic Head-Tracking, ma8004
Jonas Sonnenmoser: Automatisiertes Lernen von Hintergrundgeräuschen zur Erkennung von Alarmsignalen in Sicherheitssystemen, ma8005

Spring 2008

Reza Moosavi: Blind Separation of Filtred Spike Signals, ma8001
Vinodh Venkatesan: On Low Power Capacity of the Poisson Channel, ma8002
Thomas Loser: Equalization for WCDMA/HSDPA Receiver, ma8003

Fall 2007

Franziska Zbinden: Statistische Methoden für die Wettervorhersage, ma7901
Nico Bernold: Fast Correlation Attack on Stream Ciphers using Irregular LDPC Codes, ma7902
Thomas Hug, Rahel Weber: Diagnosis of Defects in Loudspeakers, ma7903
Samuel Braendle: A Watershed Algorithm with Shape Constraints, ma7904
Pengyu Wu: Equalization for WCDMA/HSDPA Receiver, ma7905
Thomas Peter: Overlapping Multi-Pulse Position Modulation for High Data Rate Laser Communication, ma7906
Michael Schatt: Robust Modulation for Optical Communication of Service Data with Puls Beacon Laser, ma7907
Reto Pieren: Verwendung von Musiksignalen zur Bestimmung raumakustischer Parameter, ma7908

Summer 2007

Karin Weinmann: Binaural Feedback Cancelling Algorithms for Hearing Instruments, dip7807
Matthias Grüter: Adaptation and Calibration of Analog Filters, dip7808

Winter 2006/2007

Christian Lüthi: Seismosomnography: A Factor Graph Approach, dip7801
Lukas Kuhn: Feedback Canceling in Hearing Aids: Algorithms and Input Signal Models, dip7802
Georg Böcherer: Analytic Asymptotics of Discrete Noiseless Channels, dip7803
Lukas Bolliger: Adaptation and Calibration of Analog Filters, dip7804
Ivo Trajkovic: High Data-rate Pulse Position Modulation for Optical Communication, dip7805
Georg Wilckens: Exploring the Minka Rule for CDMA/IDMA, dip7806

Summer 2006

Shi Ting Jia: Calibration Methods for ADCs and DACs, dip7704
Nadim El Guindi: Robust Telephone Detection in Monaural and Binaural Hearing Instruments, dip7705
Roman Hauser, Roman Stampfli: Calculation and Optimization of the Setting of a Robotized Line Array, dip7706
Oliver Nagi: Analysis of Interleave Division Multiple Access for Communication, dip7707

Winter 2005/2006

Christoph Reller: Signal Reconstruction in a Cochlea-Hair-Cell-Model using Factor Graphs, dip7701
Michel Krebs: Spectral Analysis of Finite-State Codes, dip7702
Ligong Wang: On Non-Coherent Fading Channels at Low SNR, dip7703

Summer 2005

Johan Peterson: Biomedical Signal Processing: Estimation and Tracking of Filter Coefficients in Electromyography, dip7602
Daniel Furrer: Design of a Big Analog Decoder, dip7603

Winter 2004/2005

Marco Diefenbacher, Roland Abt: Akustische Verkehrsklassierung, dip7601

Summer 2004

Markus Leuthold: Ear Canal Transfer Function Estimation, dip7503

Winter 2003/2004

Benjamin Amsler, Samuel Bruhin: Zerlegung von EMG Signalen mittels graphischen Modellen und iterativen Algorithmen, dip7501
Tobias Koch: On the Asymptotic Capacity of Multiple-Input Single-Output Fading Channels with Memory, dip7502

Summer 2003

Nicolas Cedraschi: Computing Information Rates of Channels with Phase Noise, dip7410
Wim Meerschman: Signal Processing in Wearable Computing Systems using Factor Graphs, dip7411

Winter 2002/2003

Roman Schilter: Mehrkanalige Verfahren zur Störgeräuschbefreiung in Hörgeräten, dip7401
Irnberger Wolfgang: Speech Enhancement with Factor Graphs, dip7402
Markus Galli: Klassierung von Verkehrslärm, dip7403
Siegfried Leimgruber: Vorhersage extremer Wetterereignisse: Anwendung neuronaler Netze und Informationstheorie, dip7404
Michèle Wigger: Bounds on the Capacity of Free-Space Optical Intensity Channels, dip7405
Franziska Pfisterer: Wind Noise Canceling for Hearing Instruments, dip7406
Katrin Kempin: Bewegungsdetektion mit digitaler Signalauswertung, dip7407
Max Wilhelm Schlegel: Adaptive Algorithmen zur Branderkennung, dip7408
Thomas Guignard: Tuning of Musical Glasses, dip7409

Summer 2002

Michael Weber: Informationstheorie und neuronale Netze: Bestimmung der Grenzen der lokalen Wetterprognose, dip7304

Winter 2001/2002

Boris Rankov, Daniel Lenz: Bounds on the Capacity of Poisson Channels, dip7301
Michael Koller: Binaurale Ansätze zur Störgeräuschbefreiung in Hörgeräten I, dip7302
Gaudenz Koeppel: Entwicklung und Aufbau einer Messeinrichtung zur Bestimmung der Einflüsse von Durchbrüchen auf die Schalldämmung von Trennwänden, dip7303

Summer 2001

Thierry Koenigsberger: Pattern Classification: Detektion und Spezifikation von Class Overlap Regions und Class Outliers, dip7208

Winter 2000/2001

Gero Heidelberger: Iterative Methods for Blind Equalizations, dip7201
Thomas Zwicker: Anwendung von Neuro-Fuzzy Systemen: Detektion überlappender Klassen, dip7202
Moritz Ritter: Anwendung von Neuro-Fuzzy Systemen: Boosting für die Wettervorhersage, dip7203
Philippe Messmer: Cellular Neural Networks: Image Data Pattern Recognition, dip7204
Philipp Foerster: Digital Signal Processing for Acoustics, dip7205
Matthias Frey: Analog Circuitry, dip7206
Joel Niederhauser: Prediction of Epileptic Seizures based on Dept-EEG, dip7207

Winter 1999/2000

Gabriel Hauser, Marco Dübendorfer: Robuste Spracherkennung am Beispiel einer Pflegebetten-Steuerung, dip7101
Reto Büeler: Neuronale Netzwerke: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie versus Fuzzy-Logic, dip7102
Erik Svensson, Daniel Hösli: Turbo-Kodes für magnetische Festplatten, dip7103
Alex Koster, Tobias Geyer: Time-scale and pitch modification of Speech, dip7104
Gennaro Lanzetta: Soft-Input / Soft-Output Sequential Decoding, dip7105
Aydin R. Bülent: Fingerprint Recognition with Cellular Neural Networks: Feature Extraction, dip7106


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