ISI Announcements 2012

Talk by Ashish Khisti

Friday, December 14, 16:15, ETF D110

Title: Delay-Sensitive and Trustworthy Wireless Communications: Information Theoretic Limits

Student Project Presentations

Wednesday, 12 December, 2012, 10:15-11:00 ETF D110

Title: Heart Rate Estimation with a Weighting Scale
Name: Téute Bunjaku and Andrea Schwaller
Time: 10:15-10:35
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer

Title: Clustering by Gibbs Sampling
Name: Sarthak Gupta
Time: 10:35-10:55
Supervisors: L. Bruderer, S. Neff

Master's Thesis Presentation

Thursday, 29 Nov 2012, 14:30-14:50, ETF D110

Title: The Kaspi/Heegard-Berger Problem with an Informed Encoder
Name: Thomas Laich

Presentation of Master Thesis

Tuesday, November 13, 16:00, ETF D110

Luca Vanoni

Master's Thesis Presentation

Thursday, 27 Sept 2012, 17:30-17:50 ETF D110

Title: Achieving the Capacity of any DMC Using Only Polar Codes and Fault-Tolerant Quantum Reed-Muller Coding
Name: David Sutter
Supervisor: Prof. A. Lapidoth

Talk by Nikolai Nefedov

Thursday, Sept. 27, 10:15, ETF D110

Title: Community detection in complex networks: coupled dynamical systems approach

Student Project Presentation

Friday, Sept. 14, 10:00-10:20, ETF D110

Title: Detection of Noisy Pseudo-Periodic Signals
Name: Danny Luu
Supervisors: C. Reller, S. Neff

Talk by Prof. Boris Murmann, Stanford Univ.

Tuesday, Sept. 11, 10.00-11.00, ETZ E7

Title: Energy Limits in A/D Converters

PhD Defense of Jonas Biveroni

Monday, Sept. 10, 15:00, ETF C109

Mini Course by Igal Sason

Monday, August 20, 15:15 - 17:00
Wednesday, August 22, 15:15 - 17:00
Thursday, August 23, 15:15 - 17:00


Talk by Justin Dauwels, NTU Singapore

Thursday, July 19, 16:00, ETF D110

Title: Modeling Extreme Events with Copula Graphical Models

PhD Defense of Christoph Reller

Wednesday, July 18, 15:00

Talk by Prof. Justin Dauwels, Nanyang Techn. Univ., Singapore

Tuesday, July 17, 16:00, ETF D110

Title: Copula Graphical Models with Hidden Variables

Master's Thesis Presentation

Friday, July 13, 2012, 16:00-16:20, ETF D110

Title: On Causal State-Information, Feedback, and Cribbing on the Multiple-Access Channel
Name: Annina Bracher
Supervisor: Prof. A. Lapidoth

Student Project Presentation

Thursday, July 12, 2012, 15:30-15:50, ETF D110

Title: Code Construction and Decoding of Polar Codes
Name: Ismail Celebi
Supervisor: C. Schürch

Talk by Dr. Tobias Koch, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Wednesday, July 11, 15:00, ETF D110

Student Project Presentation

Friday, June 8, 2012, 09:30-09:50 ETF D110

Title: Optical Fibers and Information Theory
Name: Zuzana Gavorova
Supervisors: Prof. A. Lapidoth, C. Bunte

Student Project Presentation

Friday, June 1, 2012, 10:00-10:20, ETF D110

Title: Feedback and Cribbing in Multiple-Access Channels with Erasures
Name: Chang Wang
Supervisors: Prof. A. Lapidoth, C. Bunte

Student Project Presentations

Friday, May 25, 2012, 15:00-15:40 ETF D110

Title: Variance Estimation with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Type: Semester Thesis
Name: Nour Zalmai
Time: 15:00-15:20
Supervisors: L. Bruderer, C. Reller

Title: Pulse detection with online likelihood filtering
Type: Semester Thesis
Name: Christopher Mollén
Time: 15:20-15:40
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer

Student Project Presentation

Thursday, May 24, 2012, 15:00-15:20 ETF D110

Title: Analog-to-Digital Conversion Using Unstable Filters - Experimental Circuit
Name: Kristoffer Nordström
Supervisors: G. Wilckens, Prof. H.-A. Loeliger

Talk by Ligong Wang, MIT

Monday, May 14, 2012, 10.00 - 11.00, ETF D110

Title: The Poisson Channel in the High-Photon-Efficiency Regime

Talk by Tsachy Weissman, Stanford University

Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 10.15 - 11.15 ETF D110

Title: Directed Information Estimation

Student Project Presentations

Friday, March 16, 2012, 16:15-17:30 ETF D110

Title: Learning and Detection of Sparse Pulses with Application to Acoustic Diagnosis
Type: Master Thesis
Name: Simon Würgler
Time: 16:15-16:35
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer

Title: Robust Feature Extraction from Vibration Signals
Type: Master Thesis
Name: Sarah Neff
Time: 16:35-16:55
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer

Title: Fire Detection with a Gas Sensor
Type: Master Thesis
Name: Dinu Kaufmann
Time: 17:05-17:25
Supervisors: C. Reller, L. Bruderer

IZS 2012

Wednesday, Feb. 29 - Friday, March 2

PhD Defense of Lukas Bolliger

Thursday, January 12, 15:00, ETZ E 81

Talk by Prof. Andrew Singer, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 15:00, ETF D110

Communication-relevant metrics for A/D converters in communication systems


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