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Title: Rate Distortion Function for a Gaussian Source with Two
Name: Thomas Laich
Supervisor: Ligong Wang
Title: Feedback Capacity of the MAC with Common Message
Name: David Sutter
Time: 17:00h - 17:20h
Supervisor: Michèle Wigger, Prof. A. Lapidoth
Title: Source Coding with Reconstruction Constraints
Name: Andreas Malär
Time: 17:20h - 17:40h
Supervisor: Michèle Wigger, Prof. A. Lapidoth
Title: Sampling Jitter Correction
Name: Daniel Baumann
Supervisor: Lukas Bolliger
Combining Variational Message-Passing and the Sum-Product Algorithm
Parallel Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation
Information Theoretic Model Validation by Approximate Optimization
Title: Feedback Coding Strategies for Channel Capacity per Unit Cost
Name: Shahab Asoodeh
Supervisors: Amos Lapidoth, Ligong Wang
LDPC Convolutional Codes - Approaching the Shannon Limit with Structured Irregularity
Title: Wind Noise Synthesizer
Name: Matthias Flückiger
Supervisor: Dr. Kurt Heutschi, Prof. H.-A. Loeliger
Title: Audio Engine for an Ambisonics Surround Sequencer
Name: Samuel Gähwiler
Supervisor: Philippe Kocher, Kurt Heutschi, Prof. H.-A. Loeliger
Title: Dynamic Modeling, Estimation, and Calibration of Force Sensors in
Machine Tool
Name: Petrit Bunjaku
Time: 09:00h - 09:20h
Supervisor: Lukas Bolliger, Prof. H.-A. Loeliger
Title: Signal Modelling with Likelihood Computations and Popper Complexity
- A Factor Graph Approach Using Linear State Space Models
Name: Juan Pablo Marin Diaz
Time: 09:20h - 09:40h
Supervisor: Christoph Reller, Prof. H.-A. Loeliger
Title: Reconstruction of Continuous-Time Filtered White Noise from
Discrete-Time Observations
Name: Adrian Waeber
Time: 09:00h - 09:20h
Supervisor: Lukas Bolliger, Prof. H.-A. Loeliger
Title: The Capacity of Rewritable Memories with Cost Constraints
Name: Christoph Bunte
Time: 09:20h - 09:40h
Supervisor: Prof. A. Lapidoth
Title: On Fading Estimation from Noisy Observations
Name: Filip Gospodinov
Time: 09:40h - 10:00h
Supervisor: Ligong Wang, Prof. A. Lapidoth
Title: Rate Distortion Functions for Poisson Processes
Name: Andreas Malär
Supervisor: Ligong Wang
Title: Variations on Coding with Side Information:
Common Reconstructions and Reversible Information Embedding
Abstract: n the classical definition of problems of source and channel
coding, the code designer is primarily interested in reducing the coding
rate under a given distortion constraint at the destination. The question
whether the sender knows the version constructed at the destination is
never raised in this context. In some applications, being able to
reconstruct the receiver's version at the transmitter's site can be
beneficial. This requirement is termed here as the common reconstruction
constraint. In this talk I will introduce source coding and joint
source-channel coding problems, under the common reconstruction constraint.
Implications and duality results with information embedding models will
also be discussed.
Joint work with Orna Sumszyk.
Title: Lossy Source Coding with a Helper
Abstract: In this talk I will describe several lossy source coding
problems where a helper provides rate-limited side information to the
involved parties. We first consider the Wyner-Ziv problem, where in
addition to the memoryless side information available to the decoder,
a helper sends common rate-limited side information to the encoder and
decoder. A single letter characterization of the achievable rates is
derived, under Markov conditions on the source and side information.
Partial results are derived also for the case where the side information
is not necessarily common, i.e., when the helper can send different streams
of coded side information to the encoder and decoder. We then consider
Kaspi's two-way rate distortion problem, in the presence of a helper.
A single letter characerization of the achievable rates-distortions
region is derived, for the case where the two sources and the helper
satisfy certain Markov conditions. Finally, the cascade source coding
problem in the presence of a helper is studied.
Based on joint works with Haim Permuter and Tsachy Weissman.
ISI internal
Title: Thresholds in Random Graphs and Concentration of k-SAT Solutions
Abstract: The boolean satisfiability problem k-SAT plays a central
role in the quest for more efficient ways of solving large-scale
computational problems. In the past years, it has attracted considerable
attention from researchers in different communities such as computer
science, coding theory, statistical mechanics or computational biology.
In this work, we consider the random k-SAT problem. A particularity of
this problem is that it undergoes a dramatic and swift qualitative change
when the parameter controlling the density of constraints per variables
grows. The talk first reviews some techniques and tools used to characterize
phase transition phenomenon in random graphs, in particular the work of
E. Friedgut. It then presents results on the concentration of the number
of k-SAT solutions.
This is a joint work with A. Montanari at Stanford.
Title: Progress in Multiterminal Source Coding
Title: Reconstruction of Continuous-Time Filtered Noise with Application
to Samplingrate Conversion
Name: Samuel Gaehwiler
Supervisor: Lukas Bolliger, Christoph Reller
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